Saladino fue un guerrero y líder militar musulmán y el más famoso de los héroes islámicos. Gracias a su excelente capacidad de control de la batalla, Saladino es el cerebro, la referencia en cualquier centro de mando. Siempre sabe cuáles son las mejores decisiones, tanto en la maniobra como al marcar el ritmo del combate. No obstante, el Anciano de la Montaña no termina de confiar plenamente en esta recreación de Aleph y ha ordenado que haya constantemente un operativo Hassassin próximo a el, monitorizando todos sus movimientos, actos y decisiones, y siempre dispuesto a eliminarlo a la menor sospecha de traición a Haqqislam o a sus creencias.
Saladino was a warrior and a Muslim military leader of Kurdish origin, as well as the most famous of all Islamic heroes. The Recreation Project “Lion of the Desert” would be ALEPH’s wedge of insertion into Haqqislamite society. Saladin is the brain and central reference of any command center, due to his excellent control of the flow of battle. He always knows how to make the best decisions, both in tactical maneuvers as well as in setting the rhythm of a combat. However, the Old Man of the Mountain don't trust fully in Saladino and for this reason has ordered a Hassassin operative group to be always next to him. This team monitors all his movements, actions and decisions, ever willing to eliminate him at the slightest suspicion of treason towards Haqqislam or its beliefs.
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